Monday, December 3, 2012

The webpage review and why it become nuffnang number one

What nuffnang says this December? "Victor Basa is nuffnang blogger for the month" of this December 2012. By the way who is Victor Basa? I think his an actor, model, and also a blogger from Manila Philippines. He has several shows on Philippine Local channel and apparently some guesting in other country. He blog mostly about men's interest which can range from custom made shoes, bespoke suits, demin, restuarants for dates (I think a better place to hide), latest gadgets and music of course the new one.

Dig deep into his webpages, the website found to be very poor in text content, the title is just a bunch of dots which I think not crawlable by robot.txt as well as not be index in the google search engine.However, its contain 100 percent unique stuff locally, thats why this blog became number one for the month of December 2012.

Victor Basa blog in monetize with where he can earn lot of money if he continue his hard work with his blog. To earn online, I think the blog style or looks like is not the key but how unique you are and how many visitors and traffic you have.

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